1. How do I remove a product from the cart?
Click the Shop button to exit the Billing page. Hover over the shopping cart icon on the top right and a preview will appear of the existing items in your Cart. You can then hit “X” and delete an item. We are working on making this easier!
2. Where’s my download?
Your download will be delivered to the email address you provided at check-out. Check your spam folder! If you still don’t get your download after 10 minutes, email your confirmation number to paula@colorbymoney.com and we will get you sorted.
3. My book doesn’t print properly
Try your Default printer settings first. If you are seeing cut-off margins for the internal coloring pages:
Make sure you are opening the PDF attachment, not printing from within your browser preview.
PC Users: In your printing menu select “More Settings” then select “Fit to Printable Area”
Mac Users: Select “Scale to Fit” on your printing menu.
If you do not have Adobe installed, try these steps: In your printing menu, click the “Preview” drop down, switch to “Paper handling”. Then click the bubble option “scale to fit” and print.
4. How can I pay with Credit/Debit Card?
Choose the “PayPal” button at checkout. Then at the bottom, select “pay with credit/debit card.”